Green Zywiec - effects 

Zielony skwer w Żywcu

We are delighted to share with you the effects of our 'Green Zywiec' initiative. Over the past few days we have witnessed extraordinary changes in our city. Now we would like to invite you to see photos that show a comparison of the “before and after”  tree planting campaign and the installation of benches and trashcans. 
In these photo overviews, you will see how previously empty spaces have been transformed into charming green oases, full of life. Thanks to trees and bushes, our urban space transform into natural beauty and full of color. We want to show you places where you can now relax, enjoy the fresh air and the harmony of nature. The trashcans visible in the pictures are proof of our commitment to keeping our city clean.
At the same time, we would like to emphasize that although some of the effects of planting trees and greenery are already visible, the full beauty of our wooded spaces will be revealed in a few years. The process of growth, development and maturation of most trees and plants takes time and patience. However, the results we will see in a few years' time will be priceless and will contribute to the even greater beauty of our city. 
Once again, we would like to thank all those, who have been involved and contributed in this outstanding success. Your engagement has been crucial in creating more beautiful and greener Zywiec!
Thank you. We encourage You to take a walk around Zywiec!
Dworcowa Street - before

Dworcowa Street - before

Dworcowa - przed

Dworcowa Street - after

Dworcowa - po

Dworcowa wiadukt - po (2)

Komorowskich Street - before

Komorowskich przed

Komorowskich Street - after 

Komorowskich po

Komorowskich po

700-lecia astate. - before 

Os. 700 lecia przed

700-lecia astate - after

Oś. 700 lecia - skwer

Oś. 700 lecia - skwer (2)

Youth astate- before

Os. Młodych - przed

Youth astate - after

Os. Młodych - po

Os. Młodych - po (2)

Dworcowa overpass- before

Dworcowa wiadukt - przed

Dworcowa overpass - after

Dworcowa wiadukt - po


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